Privacy Policy

Social Start-up Labs Pty Ltd (Social Start-up Labs) takes privacy and personal information seriously, and we are committed to holding and using your personal information only for the purposes for which it has been provided. This privacy policy summarises our commitments and gives you information about our rights, obligations and policies with regard to your personal information. You must read this Privacy Policy carefully.

You have a number of rights as a matter of law, notably under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This Policy is not intended to detract from your legal rights.

1. How we collect your information.

We collect personal information about you from a number of sources. The information may be provided by you through our website, may be obtained as a result of your browsing activity on our website, or may be obtained through interacting with content or marketing material. All your communications with Social Start-up Labs, whether by email, in writing or in person, may also include personal information. Additional information may also be obtained from third parties.

2. The kinds of personal information we may hold

Amongst the personal information about you that we may receive or which otherwise comes into our possession are the following:
• Your name, your residential address, communication details (including email address and telephone number), your sex, and date of birth.
• Details of your internet browser.
• Information relating to any businesses or companies in which you may be involved or in which you may have an interest.

3. You consent to the collection of personal information

To enable us to offer our services to you, you need to give us your consent to our collecting, using, disclosing, storing and processing of your personal information. We will do those things only in accordance with the law and this Privacy Policy. You agree that we may receive, collect, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:
• To assess whether you are eligible to participate in Social Start-up Labs’s services.
• To ascertain that any information we hold about you is correct.

4. What we will do with your personal information.

Any information we collect concerning you will be used only for the purposes of Social Start-up Labs’s business. Those purposes are wide-ranging and include the following:
• Assessing your eligibility and suitability to take advantage of the services we offer.
• Where you are associated with a business seeking capital through our services, to consider and verify the information made or to be made to actual or potential investors.
• To communicate with you in relation to our products and services, including offering potential investments and seeking feedback on matters like customer satisfaction.

5. Looking after your personal information.

We will not retain your personal information if the law does not permit us to do so. Equally we will retain your personal information where the law requires us to do so. This may mean that we will continue to hold the information after you cease to use our services. We will protect your personal information against loss, access, use, modification and disclosure (in each case without authority) by taking all appropriate safeguards as are reasonable in all the circumstances.

6. Disclosure of personal information to third parties.

While we are committed to keep all personal information that we hold about you in a safe environment protected from unauthorised access, we are permitted by law to disclose personal information about you in certain circumstances. These circumstances are as follows:
• Where you have agreed that we may disclose.
• We will protect your personal information against loss, access, use, modification and disclosure (in each case without Where the source of the information is a publicly available publication.
• We will protect your personal information against loss, access, use, modification and disclosure (in each case without Where the disclosure of the information is for one of the purposes in connection with which the information was obtained or is directly related to those purposes.
• We will protect your personal information against loss, access, use, modification and disclosure (in each case without Where the disclosure is to third party service providers to enable them to supply their services to us.
• We will protect your personal information against loss, access, use, modification and disclosure (in each case without Where the disclosure is to any Governmental agency or regulatory authority for the purposes of complying with any legal requirement or in connection with actual or threatened legal proceedings.
• We will protect your personal information against loss, access, use, modification and disclosure (in each case without Where disclosure is necessary to enable the sale of our business as a going concern.
• We will protect your personal information against loss, access, use, modification and disclosure (in each case without Where disclosure is to related entities of Social Start-up Labs’s in relation to marketing activities.

7. Accessing personal information.

The law permits you to obtain from us confirmation of whether or not we hold personal information about you and also to have access to that information. Much of that information will be contained in your member details if you are a member of “Social Start-up Labs”. Otherwise you may request access to the personal information we hold about you by contacting us at:

Address: 43 Robert Street Wickham 2293 NSW
Attention: Social Start-up Labs Privacy

8. Correction of personal information.

You will always be entitled to request correction of any personal information we hold about you and, in addition, to request that there be attached to the information a statement of any correction which you may have sought but which for any reason has not been made.

9. Cookies.

We may from time to time set up cookies on your computer, and may access those cookies. Any information so collected will be non-personal and anonymous and we will obtain such information solely to understand your use of our website. Cookies can be disabled (and enabled) in your web browser.

10. Changes to Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right at any time to alter and/or update this Privacy Policy, and if we do that we will upload the revised Privacy Policy to the website. With effect from the time of uploading the new policy will apply to the exclusion of the then existing one.

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